Thursday, December 31, 2009

christmas breakfast

on fake christmas morning i really wanted to make my dad's favorite recipe of swedish pancakes. we normally have crepes with strawberry's back home, but i don't have a crepe maker and actually prefer the swedish pancakes to crepes anyway.

since it was christmas we obviously used some food coloring to make red and green pancakes (or really we used a ton to get it to be more red than pink). and perhaps one of us set theirs up to alternate red pancakes with green pancakes (with a layer of butter/powdered sugar or homemade ollaliaberry jelly/powdered sugar on each pancake).

here is the recipe for swedish pancakes (which i am currently getting via gchat from my sister who's had it memorized since we were little):

1.5 cups milk
3/4 cups flour
3 eggs
2 TBL sugar
1 tsp salt

beat milk and eggs together until they are a lemon yellow color (not with an electic beater or it will get foamy and you'll have to wait an hour to cook them) (yep, this happened to me)
sift the flour, sugar and salt and then mix into the milk and eggs until just combined.
pour one ladle of batter onto a buttered skillet.
flip when they look cooked to cook both sides.
keep them warm while cooking all of them.
serve with butter, powdered sugar, and jelly. or syrup if you're like my annoying little brother who never did it right...
also goes really well with apple juice as your drink.
preferably out of a plastic cup.

merry christmas!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

christmas socks

these and another pair of this sock pattern ended up being the only knitted presents i finished on time for christmas. i always end up having too much on my plate. oh well. just glad to at least have gotten these finished for the boo!

i did end up running out of green yarn since i had to change colors so much... i was probably leaving too much extra when i cut it. luckily i still had some red left to finish the last sock with! just not happy it's not perfect, of course.

i still love these socks and hopefully will get some time to wear them myself... ha.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

handpainted wrapping paper

every year at christmas or for birthdays i try to make my own wrapping paper. it's pretty easy with some plain white or brown bag wrapping paper and markers. my favorite markers being crayola bolds. it's fast and easy and i usually just use the same designs from the year before... although one year when i was studying for an actuarial test i used all the formulas i memorized to design wrapping paper. turns out those formulas are more useful as wrapping paper designs than in real life! maybe i need to bring them back.

anyhoo... this year i couldn't find my markers. and since it'd been a year since i took a painting course and thus had painted, i thought i could pull off an easy hand-painted wrapping paper job this year. here are the results for some birthday and christmas wrapping paper. the painting course i took was on color theory, so i learned how to make pretty much any color only using red, blue, yellow, and white paints. mixing is really the best part and i had a lot of fun with this project.

Monday, December 21, 2009

a partridge and a pear tree

for the elf party this year i decided to dress up as a partridge to complement my boo's costume of a pear tree. there is a chance a few days before the party i left another christmas party early to go home and glue feathers on swimsuit fabric sewn to a cotton shirt for this costume (which turned out to be gluing feathers in candlelight since our power went off). i'm not sure if it was worth it, since it makes me a pretty huge loser leaving a party to glue feathers in the dark, but i'm pretty pleased with how both costumes turned out. and the elf party was a lot of fun!