Tuesday, January 5, 2010

estonia lace shawl

after blocking this shawl (which is what is going on in the photos... washing it, then stretching it out with pins to dry in the shape you want the finished piece), i was so proud of it. it was really a lot of work and took a lot of time and attention and i was really excited i created it.

but then just now i was uploading it to ravelry and of course had to look at all the ones others have made of the same exact pattern and it just made the one mistake i made look really huge. so i'm a bit disappointed, but i really did everything i could to fix it. i knew something was off, so i took out a couple rows and then re-did it. maybe i needed to take out more rows, but to be honest... that's a huge huge pain in the ass. and i was so close to finishing. i think if i had known the mistake would be this obvious, i would have done more to fix the problem. oh well. i still like it! and hope the person who receives this in the mail doesn't notice!