Thursday, September 16, 2010

dying stripes - FAIL

i decided on my halloween costume this week.  yay! so, of course, i got the crazy head and had to plan out the whole thing, buy everything i needed and start working on it immediately.

while on my baby tour 2010 last week i was introduced to the childrens' show yo gabba gabba.  following my favorite halloween costume theme "random and sexy" i decided to be a sexy version of one of the random characters on that show - brobee.  shown here:

since finding a sexy outfit in kelly green and lime green stripes is pretty impossible, i decided i'd look into buying a white sexy outfit and dying it in the kelly green and lime green striped pattern.

searching online for ways to dye stripes, i came across this post on RIT dye's website and decided to try the technique out on a onesie.  the technique uses elmer's glue on fabric to block out sections you don't want to dye.  based on the outcome of the project demonstrated, it appeared the glued parts did take on some of the dye, just a lighter version, which is exactly the effect i want.  so i went to the local (amazing) hardware store and bought myself some kelly green RIT dye. 

if it went well, this project would be a brobee onesie for yute.  but, of course, all did not go that well.  which i sort of expected since i ended up only putting the glue on one side of the onesie meaning the fibers on the other side (when turned inside out) did not have the glue so the dye could still stick.  i guess i just hoped it would still just make it lighter and it would appear lime green.  anyhoo...  here are photos of the before and after:

as you can see there are no stripes on the above photo (well super super faint ones that maybe only i can see). (i'm still hanging on a little to the hope that only the stripes will fade when i wash it, but that's a stretch)

onto the next experiment...  applying the glue to the onesie right-side-up and inside-out.  if that doesn't work i did find another tutorial online that i might try, although it doesn't seem as promising.  there is also a batik/wax approach i think i can take...

although i did not achieve the desired outcome, i'm pretty pleased with the shade of green that onesie is and can still make it into a pretty cool gift for yute...

more to come on this project!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

baby tour 2010

just got back from a week+ trip back east to visit all the new and not-as-new babies...  of course taking tons of photos and videos along the way.  here are my favorite pics of each niece and nephew...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

onesies on display

...and this is why onesies are the new baby gift from aunt gangy!  they actually get used...  yay!!