Monday, May 23, 2011

veit family

had a ton of fun playing with the camera this weekend with one of my favorite families.  omi was an amazing model at only 9 months and hand julian some bubbles and he was too!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

gina loves stephen

here is the link to all the photos from gina & stephen's wedding on my blog.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

a few more gina & stephen

i feel more accomplished when i post a few at a time since i only have time to work on a few at a time with my super busy schedule.  i knew this first one was going to be my favorite when i first shot it and i love how it came out.  i might love yesterday's slightly more though...  no way to know, really.  the 2nd and 3rd ones here will probably be re-worked a bit.  i think #2 is too contrasty and #3 needs a little more pop.  this is why these take so long!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

gina + stephen

i had the pleasure of photographing the wedding of gina and stephen this past weekend outside of philadelphia. they had been practicing their serious faces for over three years now and it paid off! here's my first favorite:

Friday, February 18, 2011

baby blair

this is my favorite of all the photos from Photoshoot Blair so far.
i'll follow up with all my favorites once i have time to go through all 12 gigs of them...

miss her :(

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

blair's yellow lace dress

i was able to knit this dress in only one week thanks to a few car rides, a plane ride, and a knitting night with friends.  of course i didn't pay attention to the fact that the medium sized dress would be for a 2 year old and blair is only 7 months...  so it's a dress for her future! (and maybe a tank top when she's even older)

the pattern is here and my ravelry notes are here.  it's for size 7 needles, but because of the large size and lace pattern, i may try it with lighter yarn on size 3s.  that will create a smaller dress and hoping the lace details show better.

i'm really not happy with the fact it still rolls up at the bottom even though i blocked it twice.  blocking a dress turned out to be more difficult than i expected.  luckily for me blair's mom likes the rolled up bottom.