Tuesday, February 15, 2011

blair's yellow lace dress

i was able to knit this dress in only one week thanks to a few car rides, a plane ride, and a knitting night with friends.  of course i didn't pay attention to the fact that the medium sized dress would be for a 2 year old and blair is only 7 months...  so it's a dress for her future! (and maybe a tank top when she's even older)

the pattern is here and my ravelry notes are here.  it's for size 7 needles, but because of the large size and lace pattern, i may try it with lighter yarn on size 3s.  that will create a smaller dress and hoping the lace details show better.

i'm really not happy with the fact it still rolls up at the bottom even though i blocked it twice.  blocking a dress turned out to be more difficult than i expected.  luckily for me blair's mom likes the rolled up bottom.


  1. The dress turned out great, Andrea. Love the pic of Blair wearing it - and loooove her name. :)

  2. blair! thank you for being andrea's friend so that she could tell me a story with you in it so that it could remind me how much i love the name blair so i could name my daughter it!!! :)

  3. OMG - came out awesome!
