Friday, June 11, 2010

pants that work as pants!

i did it! i finally made a pair of pants from that darn kimono pjs pattern that actually will work as pants! i took a sewing class every night this week and wanted to start with the pants so i could have some help around so i wouldn't make the same mistake i made the last 2 times i made the pants. i explained to the teacher my problem and she kept claiming, "i know what you did wrong" and then proceded to ignore me and not explain the problem. thanks! great teacher!

so i cut out all the fabric and right as i was about to start sewing the trim on the pants, i realized my mistake - i was making the pants upside-down! missing the words "TOP" on the top of the pants pattern, i just assumed the "top" was the end of the cut-out fabric that looked like the top. although if you think about it, the legs will need more fabric than the top of the pants, so the pattern should look opposite, but as usual, i didn't think and i made a mistake. oh well. so glad i was able to finally figure it out. and it turned out the teacher didn't know what i had done wrong, since had she known i'm hoping she wouldn't have let me cut out my fabric upside-down. which i left as is as a memory of my mistake... and how much fun it is to learn how to sew!

here are the pants. i'm hoping to make the matching kimono top for these soon after i finish naomi's quilt. also, not sure who's getting these jams yet... maybe Cleo? or if Noley turns out to be a girl? lisa, Naomi can have them only as long as you promise she'll wear them! plus, i have something special i made her during the other days of class... i'll post photos of that soon!

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