Friday, February 18, 2011

baby blair

this is my favorite of all the photos from Photoshoot Blair so far.
i'll follow up with all my favorites once i have time to go through all 12 gigs of them...

miss her :(

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

blair's yellow lace dress

i was able to knit this dress in only one week thanks to a few car rides, a plane ride, and a knitting night with friends.  of course i didn't pay attention to the fact that the medium sized dress would be for a 2 year old and blair is only 7 months...  so it's a dress for her future! (and maybe a tank top when she's even older)

the pattern is here and my ravelry notes are here.  it's for size 7 needles, but because of the large size and lace pattern, i may try it with lighter yarn on size 3s.  that will create a smaller dress and hoping the lace details show better.

i'm really not happy with the fact it still rolls up at the bottom even though i blocked it twice.  blocking a dress turned out to be more difficult than i expected.  luckily for me blair's mom likes the rolled up bottom.

Monday, February 14, 2011

happy valentime's!

cool turquoise water this morning from the weird sky...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

goodnight moon

moon sliver setting over gigi last night

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

quinoa & tofu salad

at work a few weeks ago we had a healthy potluck lunch.  i'm not a huge fan of the health food, so googled "healthy potluck" and found this amazing recipe.  i've already made it twice since the potluck and am pretty psyched i found a recipe i liked that can actually be considered healthy.

i love how easy it is to cook quinoa - right in the rice cooker!

yeah, so i took some photos while i was making this the other night, what of it??

the wine in the first photo is another fabulous selection i got from this amazing washington wine distributor

Thursday, February 3, 2011

brooklyn bridge

a friend was recently browsing my photo collection to look for a photo to put on a canvas and asked me for this one.  i really do love this shot.  i took it with a fish eye film camera i bought at an urban outfitters when i still lived in new york city and wanted to take this shot before i moved away.  i got the roll developed at my local duane reade and got the digital CD with it.  this photo was made from the digital file on that CD.  it's definitely raw and not the highest quality, but it's not always only about the equipment with photography.  i think i might need to hang this one up in my apartment too...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

e & b

a few weeks ago i had a photo shoot with a family at the discovery museum at cavallo point.  what a great location for photos!  it was pretty cold out, which made it a bit difficult, but it kept the crowds down and we were able to get some nice shots.