Thursday, July 9, 2009

working from home

if there is one thing i am good at at my cubicle job, it is knowing when i can leave early with no one noticing and taking it upon myself to do so. yesterday i used this special talent and left the office at 12:30pm. if anyone noticed, they certainly didn't care enough to tell me!

i used the afternoon to finalize my photos of katy & ryan's engagement shoot and posted the photos to my website here.

then i immediately ran downstairs to the sewing machine to continue my work on the duvet cover. since beginning, i have given up all attempts to make sure i'm sewing at 90 degree angles. that doesn't reeeeally matter, right? i decided if the duvet cover ends up fitting over my duvet no matter how ridiculous it looks, it will be a success. sewing is difficult! i'm definitely ready to get back to my knitting after this project...

here are some photos of how the duvet cover is coming:

also on my special unanticipated-afternoon-away-from-the-cubicle, i was able to talk a bunch with lisa (and have a super-skype with julian - the kid who after only a month of being away from i barely recognize he has grown so much... thank god - or jesus, whomever is responsible - for inventing skype) where i laid out my case for why wes was a plant on the bachelorette and thought i should share my case with all both of you here on my blog:

1. there were 30 bachelors instead of the regular 25. (5 plants! including the weird foot fetish guy)
2. they never would have played that guy's music/song without reaching some deal with his PR people. they would have just editted it out.
3. he never would have admitted to having a girlfriend if he wasn't a plant. he wouldn't have risked it that early on in the show.
4. she went home to meet 5 families instead of the normal 4 - wes not counting for her finding "love" since he was a plant...
5. the show can't risk having a dud season since then no one would watch the following seasons - they have to plant stories in order to make sure each rose ceremony definitely is "the most dramatic rose ceremony EVER".

as a caveat, i hate this show. and seriously (this time i really mean it even if i do happen to know someone on the show) i will never watch another season again.

and by the way, if ed can pull off not "losing" by getting picked by jillian, he will be the next bachelor. (in a season which, as i stated previously, i will not be watching)

1 comment:

  1. 1. i agree with 1-5 above.
    2. who do you know on the show?
    3. i think jake the pilot will be the next bachelor.
    4. true or false - ed looks like.....
