Tuesday, August 4, 2009

making dinner

...counts as a thing i make, right? here's a photo of my standard chicken and rice with a delicious bottle of wine for dinner last night with my favorite roomie, allison (sorry, simon!) (he doesn't read this.) (actually, neither does allison.) we were lucky to get somewhat decent weather so we could eat on the porch. this view never gets old! although i do need to learn to photograph it better. i was well aware of the lens spots i'd get when i took this, but was too hungry to go get the lens hood.

i also threw in a photo i took this morning. since i drank a bit too much wine at dinner last night, i fell asleep forgetting to close the blinds and awoke without an alarm to this sweet view. (sweet because it wasn't foggy and i could actually see gigi)

i never want to leave this city...

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