Thursday, July 1, 2010

baby name - Dwight

that's right. i wrote the words "baby name" referring to the name "Dwight". you did read that correctly.  and yes i did post a photo of an old man in a post about baby names.  probably not my best idea.  but isn't the old man cute?  (he is)...  and wasn't he once a baby? (he was)...  probably a cute one.  named Dwight.  now isn't it growing on you just a little?

when a stack of index cards bearing the names and information of all the US presidents found its way into my life, i realized not only that i'm an idiot for not knowing anything about them, but also that there are some gems in there as names go...

 a Zachary as president in 1847?  Millard, Ulysses, and (happy sigh) Rutherford?  aw man...  Rutherford!  if i knew someone's kid was definitely going to be president, i would order them to name their son Rutherford!  and then Chester and Grover (!)... Woodrow, Hubert...  and Lyndon...  and Bill!  (okay, that last one was a bit of a joke, but i do think Billy is ready for a bit of a comeback).

which leads me to Dwight.  the only reason i really noticed it as a baby name while looking through the presidents is because this dude that sits next to me at work mentioned his nephew was named Dwight.  a seventeen year old named Dwight.  hearing the name as a real person younger than 120 years old got me excited.  someone actually had the balls to name their son this back in the 1990s?  i was impressed.  and very intrigued.  Dwight.  is it really that bad?  was there an important reason why it swan dove off the name charts after it's peak in the 1950s (surprisingly enough that was when Dwight D. was president)

anyhoo...  i'm just saying:  Dwight.  i think i even like it best for a girl.  and call her Ike!

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