Tuesday, July 6, 2010

more of omi's quilt

i finally started the quilting process of Omi's quilt.  i had some pics of the pinning (which i only took because i was excited i used my Jesus tape to secure the backing while i added the batting and top), but i can't find them.

so i figured out i don't need a new foot on the sewing machine to sew free motion which made me very happy since i really wanted to sew a design on this quilt rather than just straight lines in the ditches.  while at the sf moma the other night i saw what i remember as a drawing, but could have been a painting or something, of a few concentric circles and parallel lines in between.  immediately i thought it would be the perfect design to sew on Omi's quilt, mainly because concentric circles are usually my go-to design...  they were my favorite thing to doodle while in high school and college classes and during one of my all time favorite trips to denver lisa and i each made a painting and mine was of concentric circles.  the painting is pretty terrible, but i still keep it and hope to hang it up in a basement someday just as a memory of that weekend in denver.

so i used my special concentric circle drawing talent to create a design to sew on the quilt.  the first photo is my sketch of the design i am sewing on the quilt.  the others are the quilt so far.  i'm looking forward to finding time to finish it before i visit Omi in 3 and a half weeks.  when she will hopefully be 3 and a half weeks old since we're hoping she'll be born tonight!

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