Monday, October 4, 2010

painted frames

i bought some super cheap frames at ikea the other day with the intention of painting them to make them look a bit nicer.  since i was having a hard time sitting still while we all watched some football, i brought out the paints in order to knock this project off my list.

i added some red, yellow, and white paint to my blue paint to vary the shades of blue.  i ended up with bright blue, light teal, and neutral purple/blue frames.  varying the colors is a lot of fun and i would have explored more if i had had more time.

the last photo shows one of my frames put to use.  i like how that one turned out, but the others make it too matchy-matchy.  i'll probably just leave that one up and get some black wire frames for other locations in my apartment.  super cheap frames painted still end up looking pretty cheap, fyi.

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