Wednesday, October 6, 2010

homemade chile rellenos

my sister was going out of town and forgot to cancel her CSA (monthly food delivery from a local farm), so she gave me her poblano peppers.  since chile rellenos are one of my favorite foods, i decided to give it a try to make my own.  i found this great post on how to make them and gave it a shot.

 the most fun part was roasting the peppers straight on the gas stove.  it was surprisingly easy and a little bit scary.
 after roasting them, putting them in a covered bowl with their steam makes them easier to peel.

 peeling was easy under running water, but cleaning out the seeds was a bit of an annoyance.  especially a couple hours after cooking and both my hands were still on fire from the hotness of the peppers.
cleaned and slit, it was time to add the cheese!

god, i love cheese.

the step where you dip the cheese filled peppers into the batter and onto the hot oil skillet was definitely the most difficult.  as you can see from the closest pepper, i wasn't able to get the slit part down in the oil first and the cheese got fried and the pepper wasn't completely closed.  luckily fried cheese is amazing.

i added enchilada sauce on top of my peppers rather than make another mess by making a homemade salsa.  the peppers were delicious!  (although suuuuuper hot)  and surprisingly easy (although not the cleanup.  beer batter.  everywhere.)

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