Monday, August 9, 2010

my first applique

so my idea for more onesies-as-gifts + my new sewing machine got me looking into appliques.  i love this idea because i can basically put anything design i want on the onesie.

i started with some not-so-simple designs (of course), and quickly realized i should have started simpler.  and bigger!  below is the disaster of a truck i tried to do for new baby Brett.  as you can see in the second photo, the machine ate the onesie :(

the second one i tried, a bulldozer for baby Luke, worked!  in the second photo you can see some dimpling, but the machine didn't eat it!  my first applique!!  yay!!

now i have these two coming up, and i'm nervous about the machine eating them.  especially the Omi one since it's pretty complicated.  wish me luck!  after these two, i'm going with simpler and larger designs.  and colored onesies!

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