Thursday, August 12, 2010

vespa applique

i can't find the photos of the Omi and Corgi applique onesies...  but the good news is, they came out great!  the corgi one has already been sent and worn by the baby...  yay!!  success!!

i moved on to a vespa one on an american apparel onesie, which was a little scary since the onesie was a bit more expensive than the gerber ones.  but actually because it's better quality was easier to sew and i wasn't as worried about the sewing machine eating it.  so excited how it turned out!

btw, there is a chance i was wearing my vespa pj pants while making this... 

glad i found this cloud cover stitch roll since you can't just put the raw applique backing right on the baby's skin.  it irons on really simply and is really soft.  thank you The Internet for making it easy to find...

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