Tuesday, November 9, 2010

lily + ryan: sneak peak

i've really been falling behind on my blog lately...  mostly because i have too much to post and it seems like too much to do so i just don't do it.  luckily for me, no one reads this so it doesn't matter!  i need to practice writing more often though for when i grow up to be a famous blogger.

a couple sundays ago i met up with lily & ryan to do some engagement photos.  we went to a few locations - some with meaning to them, others that were just good spots for gigi to be in the background.  i actually like too many of these photos so going through them is taking a long time.  i need to get quicker at picking my favorites!  here are the first two i was able to fix up.

the first is in front of the first apartment they lived in together.  i was so excited that old man was walking by right as i took this shot!  i tried to put focus on them by desaturating the background a bit and brightening them up. i like how it came out.

this second shot i took in cavallo point.  the sun was going down and i wanted to play with the rays a bit.  lily & ryan were both very good sports about having to kiss so much!  this photo actually came out too dark, but i loved too much about this photo to not use it...  the ray of sun sneaking through and how they're right at the moment before the kiss which is much more exciting in a photo than the actual kiss...

more to come soon!!

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