Thursday, November 11, 2010

al's goodbye scarf

i started this scarf two years ago for allison as a christmas gift that year.  then it turned into a christmas gift for the following year since i was taking so long...  but i still didn't finish it.  then al decided to move to london :(  so the project got finished.  she'll need lots of scarves in london!  but hopefully only for 3 months since she should be coming back by then...

here are some pics of the project.  it was my first lace project (although not the first lace project i finished).  i found the pattern free on ravelry and did most of it on airplanes - it was my go-to project when i went to africa.

here i am luckily getting to wear it on the day i finished it before i gave it to her that night...

and here is al wearing it, unfortunately not letting me get a shot with her beautiful face...  boo.  but the scarf looks great on her!

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