Wednesday, May 27, 2009

fabric addiction

am i seriously writing another blog entry right now? my new job hates me. except it's not really my fault. i've just been given busy work that drives me CRAZY. so i decided to stop by ravelry to see what's new in the knitting world. that's when i found out an australian company is launching a sewing site similar to ravelry this june - SEWN. so exciting! so that site leads me to the creators blog, which leads me to this:

how effing gorgeous is this stuff? it's called lantern bloom by laura gunn for michael miller and it's based off paintings laura gunn painted (shown in the above photo) - so beautiful! it's totally in my head now and i HAVE to have it.

but to make what? i've only sewn one project since the 6th grade and totally did it wrong. and i already bought fabric for at least 3 more projects i haven't started! what makes me think i'm a sewer who can justify scowering the internet looking for where i can buy all of this fabric? i don't even know what i'd make! maybe something in one of the 3 sewing books i just bought myself? perhaps. but maybe i need to actually sew a complete project correctly before i go throwing another $75 on fabric i don't even know what to do with...

you would think. but i can already tell it's in my head and as soon as i see that i can buy it, i know i'm going to do it. this is a problem. a real addiction problem. but what can i do? presents for everyone! (even if those presents happen to be yards of unsewn fabric...)

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