Thursday, May 14, 2009

new disaster - felted socks

it was a very very sad day in my room when i found my favorite self-knitted alpaca socks in my laundry locker bag this week.  i should probably do my own laundry - or at least take better care about what i'm putting in the laundry locker bag...  and i guess i learned my lesson.  but that didn't help the feeling of wanting to cry for a few hours after the discovery.  i mean...  i LOVE(d) these socks.  it took me almost a year from start of the first sock to finish the last one.  they were the softest things ever.

anyway, i don't need to ramble on about them.  i'm just sad.  and hope no one else ever makes the same mistake i did of washing alpaca socks.  

here are some photos of the aftermath :(
(photos of before can be seen at the bottom of my first post)

(it took a while to squeeze my foot in at first, but i'm at least happy to report they still fit.  just not the same feeling.  who likes felted socks???)

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