Monday, May 18, 2009

cubicle = no more knitting during work :(

today i started my new job. the company seems great and i'm excited about the possibility of actually liking a job i have. chances are pretty low, but at least i have hope.

there aren't many offices, so i'm back in a cubicle. which means no more knitting during lunch while watching tv on the internet and certainly no knitting during conference calls. although there is a phone room... not sure if it's appropriate to bring my laptop/"tv" in there for an hour at lunch to knit, but i bet i'll try it some time.

realizing i'm not going to be able to knit during work and having not knit in over a week, i picked one of my projects up as soon as i got home today. here's a photo of something i'm working on for homemade christmas. it's my first estonia lace project. a lace shoulderette. it seems simple enough now, but i haven't gotten to the difficult parts yet...

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