Thursday, May 7, 2009

my first sewing project = disaster

for my first sewing project (since mrs. lenthy taught me how to sew a gym bag in the 5th grade) i decided to make kimono pajamas for my godson julian.  this project started out great - i finished the kimono top with no problems.  and that was supposed to be the hard part!  

today when i went to sew the inseam of the pants, the lengths didn't match up.  i read somewhere to start at the center and sew to the end and cut off any access, but that wouldn't work with this pattern since i had already attached the contrasting fabric to the bottom of the pants.  i ended up bunching up the excess fabric at the crotch...  pretty bad.  there are definitely other problems i won't even get into.  i learned a lot though!  and will make another pair of these so that i don't feel like a terrible failure.  

at least i know lisa will put these on julian even if we have to sew the pants to his diaper!  ha.  i was able to take some photos that made it look like i sewed it correctly...  and one showing the terrible pants.

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